Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Access To God
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Access To God – From the day we became Christian, we have desired access to God. God’s Word teaches the path to the throne of God comes through our faith and life in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. We must understand what it takes to have access to Christ and the Father. While there is no one between us and Christ Jesus, Christ stands between us and the Father. We must receive him to gain access to God. The road to God is narrow, and life is very short. We need to make every effort to make it in, and stay in. Many of us cry out to the Lord when we are in trouble, but we do not persevere in our knowledge, faith, and walk with the Lord. Therefore, when we need the Lord the most, that is when he says to us, I do not know you, access denied. We need access to God through Christ Jesus so his Spirit is living within us, so when trouble comes our prayers reach the throne of God and are answered. When we say in Jesus’s name, it means something because he knows us, and his power is at work within us.
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Measure Of Faith
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Measure Of Faith – It's interesting how we measure things. We are always trying to measure each other, against each other to determine who is better. This world, life has taught us we are the best, based on how we measure up against others. Thank God, he does not use the same type of measurements as we do. As Christian, we don’t need to be concerned about how others measure us, we need to know how the Lord will measure us, and the measure of faith we have. We have much work to do in becoming like Christ Jesus, working on our salvation. God wants us to experience his fullness found in Christ. We must allow the Spirit to teach us, to change us, so each day our faith measures a little closer to Christ, and the Father’s Will. When we receive Christ Jesus in our hearts the work begins, our faith is at its lowest point. Now we must grow in faith, in the ways of God so the measure of our faith grows from weak or little faith to great and mature faith in Christ Jesus.
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
God's Favor
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
God’s Favor – It’s not until you and I tap into God’s Favor that we begin to experience all that the Lord has for us. We have to seek God’s Favor so it surrounds us, delivers us, and protects us. It’s in God’s Favor we see his glory overshadowing our lives. It’s in God’s Favor we see his wonders at work in our lives. We can’t claim or declare God’s Favor, it must be granted to us. We must seek it by walking in the footsteps of Christ Jesus. God wants to clothe us in his favor, but it requires commitment, dedication, and faithfulness on our part. God’s Favor is so awesome, it is available for all who are in Christ Jesus; it flows from Christ into those who seek the Lord. In God’s favor is his presence, in his favor, we are delivered. In his favor, we receive an increase, love, and peace from God. God’s favor flows through Christ, so we get to experience all that God has for us.
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Joy And Happiness
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Joy And Happiness – is a teaching about where do we look to find joy and happiness? There is not one person alive who does not want joy and happiness. We are doing a lot of things to achieve joy and happiness, unfortunately many of them does not last long or does not produce joy and happiness at all. True happiness can only be found in the Joy of the Lord. When we have God’s Joy in our hearts, in our life, that is when we find true happiness we have been seeking all our days. Material possession can never give us the joy and happiness God gives us, which is found in Christ Jesus. We need to ask the Lord to pour his joy and happiness into our heart, then we need to guard over ourselves so this world or Satan does not rob us of God’s joy and happiness. We cannot rob ourselves either, by seeking things of the world ahead of God. We need to live right, hold on to the joy of the Lord so it is complete in us. Every moment, every hour of the day we are filled with God’s joy and happiness. No trouble, sickness, or financial situation should be able to rob us of God’s joy and happiness received in Christ Jesus.
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Remnant Of God
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Remnant Of God – is teaching to encourage us to grow even more in our faith in God the Father and Christ Jesus. We have to grow beyond the elementary teaching about God, growing into mature thinking with spiritual understanding so we serve God better. Our faith must grow, so we walk as part of God’s Remnant while on this earth, ensuring we are counted in that number when Christ Jesus returns. He is coming to gather up the elect, the remnant of God, those who walked by faith and survived this world. Those who trusted in the Lord, and did not turn back to the world, back to sin, who kept their lives inline with God’s Will. We must be a remnant for the Lord, one who works makes it through the fire, who are fully tested, and proven to be a remnant of God.
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Living Testimony
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Living Testimony – is teaching about how we must become a living testimony for God the Father, and Christ Jesus. We have been called, received the Lord into our hearts. We must grow our faith, so that which we speak of on Sundays, and now and then, becomes who we are in Christ Jesus. If we allow it to remain outside of us, and try to tell someone about Christ, we will be a false witness of the Lord, give false testimony, because we do not live what we speak. We must become a living testimony, one in which the Lord has changed. We must take Christ into our hearts, God’s Word must live on the inside of us, it must be real, internal, who we are, what we live by. We are what Christ Jesus has done in us, the work of the Spirit, that which we remain true to, that makes us a living testimony, a living witness of the work of God.
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Godly Purpose
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Godly Purpose - We are created for a purpose. Not just any purpose, not one we make up, but a godly purpose that not only enriches our lives but enriches the lives of many others. We tend to confuse purpose with the ability to get rich, to gain wealth. Having a purpose is not a sign of wealth and riches, though many times riches and wealth come from a person accomplishing their purpose. A purpose goes much feather than money, it reaches heights money can never achieve. It not only changes the person with the purpose, it changes those in which the purpose touches. Many who are rich, find their greater purpose having nothing to do with money, through touching lives far away, those they do not know. Godly purpose supersedes our being, it goes beyond us, beyond our means. When we find our purpose in Christ, we find our true purpose in life, God will reward us for being faithful in doing His Will.
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Peace Of God
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Peace Of God – this teaching is about receiving the peace of God into our heart, so we overcome all things in Christ Jesus. We desire to have peace, the question is, what are we willing to do to receive peace? Are we willing to change everything about ourselves, change things around us, seek the Lord with all our mind, heart, and soul to receive peace? As Christians, we are trained not to seek the kind of peace the world has to offer, which causes us to worry, fear, and fight. We must seek the peace that comes from God the Father, that flows through Christ Jesus, so we live in peace. The peace Christ Jesus is offering us does not come from the world, but God. We need God’s peace so when trouble comes our way, we allow the peace of God to keep us from fighting. We let the Lord fight our battles, as we remain in his love and peace. We become peacemakers, who sow in peace, who are painted in peace, so others see God’s peace in us. Christ grants us peace, covers us in peace, keeps us in peace. We live in the peace of God, not in fear, but love.
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Passing The Test
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Passing The Test – this teaching is about us learning how to pass and overcome testing through our faith in God, and Christ Jesus. I understand none of us wants to be tested, having to endure the suffering and struggles of life. Unfortunately, God said each one of us will be tested, he knows going through testing is the only way we prove our faith is completely in him. To get through life’s trials and tests we must deny ourselves and depend on Christ Jesus. God is going to allow our faith to be fully tested to determine if we are worthy of his kingdom. Being tested and passing each test is a process, in which we fail, get back up again, seek the Lord, fail several times before we learn of God, and place our faith completely in him. As we learn of the Spirit, we overcome each test, and able to move forward to the next step in our journey of faith. Through each victory, we grow in faith, in God the Father, and in Christ Jesus. Passing each test gives us endurance and perseverance, so we trust and depend on God.
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sustainable Faith
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sustainable Faith – this teaching is about how we need to grow and stop taking time off from God the Father and Christ Jesus so our faith is sustainable. Many of us tend to disconnect from our faith based on what we are going through, this gives the devil an opportunity to attack us. We need to increase our faith where it reaches a level where it sustains us day and night. When there are no breaks in our faith. We won’t go through struggles that come from us disconnecting and reconnecting with Christ based on what’s going on in our lives. If we sustain our faith in God, he will sustain us, be a shield to us. When we call, he will answer. When we are in need, he will provide. Why, because we are always listening, always praying, always seeking, always receiving from the Lord. We don’t take time off from our faith. He sees the demonstration of our faith, and draws closer to us, allow us to walk in his presence. He meets us at the point of our need, he is always with us, extending his loving arm to help us.
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Nearer To God
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Nearer To God – is teaching about drawing nearer to God. It’s not good enough that we come to know Christ Jesus by being baptized, we must draw closer to God the Father through Christ Jesus. What God is offering us through Christ can only be obtained if we give ourselves away and draw closer to God. Our walk must change, so we are not walking with the world, but with the Lord. We no longer seek the world, we seek God’s Kingdom and his righteousness. Through us drawing nearer to God through Christ, he gives us the peace and love we seek. When we draw closer to God, our lives become one with Christ. For in the Lord, we receive all we need, and willing to do what pleases God. As we draw nearer to God, our desire for the things of the world is stripped away, and we who were once far away from God are brought nearer. As we develop a closer walk with Christ Jesus, we become one with him, and able to stand before God, to feel his presence, and to know of this glory.
Thursday May 27, 2021
Potter's Wheel
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
- Potters Wheel – is teaching about falling into brokenness. At some point in our lives, things occur that get us into a broken state. It could be emotional, financial, a matter of the heart, struggles in our mind, or with our body. It could come from our relationships, family, or children, life is not easy. Any one of us could suffer something that causes us to feel like we need to give up. It's interesting how we are, it's only in brokenness that we call on God, cry out to Jesus. We don’t call out to God in good times, only when there is trouble, a very bad situation has to come before we call on God. The Lord is so loving, he takes us in our brokenness, and places us on the potter's wheel to change and mold us. Depending on how broken we are, we may be on that potter’s wheel for a long time as Christ works out everything in us that rebels against God. We must stay on the potter's wheel until the work is complete, if we jump off, trouble and misery will return. Christ will reshape us, and form us into a useful vessel, a letter of Christ Jesus, so everyone can see the work of God in us, poured in us, and done to us.
Sunday May 23, 2021
Giving God Our Best
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
Giving God Our Best – is about giving our best to God. Unfortunately, the world has taught us the best way for us to have the best is to put ourselves first, to hoard all we make, and spend what we make on ourselves. As Christians, we learn this is not the way we receive the best from God. The Father sent his Son into the world so we can have the best of God through him. It requires that we accept Christ, we accept God’s Word and Ways into our hearts. The Spirit teaches us and trains us, so we give ourselves to Christ Jesus and receive the best from God. Our best compares nothing to the best of God in Christ Jesus. The Lord is willing to give us his best, not so we can have more, but so we can help those who don’t know God, who have no relationship with Christ Jesus.
Sunday May 16, 2021
Growing Under Grace
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Growing Under Grace – is about how God has been providing us grace from the beginning of time. Because of our sins, God had to extend us grace, or he would have to destroy all of mankind. In the past, God provided his grace to certain people, who walked upright before God, even that was not enough to save us. So God sent his Son Christ Jesus, to be an atonement for our sins, so anyone who comes to believe and have faith in Christ Jesus could receive the grace of God. God’s grace found in Christ Jesus is a covering, a shield for us, so we have time to learn of God, overcome, and have victory over sin and the world. Under God’s grace, we have access to peace, love, healing, mercy, forgiveness, and blessings found in Christ Jesus. God is giving us time to learn and overcome. We cannot waste the grace of God, by continuing in sin. Under grace, we must change and become more like Christ Jesus.
Monday May 10, 2021
Planks In Our Eyes
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Planks In Our Eyes– Is teaching about removing any planks or obstacles that stop us from serving God, and hearing God’s truth about ourselves. We have to be courageous enough to make the tough changes in our lives, so we can receive all the blessings God has for us. For us to grow our faith in Christ Jesus, we have to be willing to listen to him and the Spirit talk to us about getting rid of the planks that keep us from receiving, from seeing, from growing, from becoming more and more like Christ. We cannot allow this world, religion, desires to keep us blinded from the grace and mercy God wants to lavish on us through Christ. We need to be able to see clearly, so we can receive it all. All the planks that cover our eyes must be removed. Christ has the power and authority to guide us so every plank is removed, and we are completely free in him.
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Keeping The Story Straight
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Keeping The Story Straight – This is about how the Power of God is founded in what God spoke, wrote, and revealed through Christ Jesus. If we decide to add, modify, or delete anything from God’s Word then we are impacting the Power of God to be effective in changing lives, and saving souls. If we add made-up stories to God’s Word, then we are nullifying its power to transform us into the image of Christ Jesus. We must keep God’s Word straight, so it can have an impact on lives that are yet to come. Keeping God’s Word straight requires we change, not that we change God’s Word to suit our desires, passion, and sinful lifestyles. We need to keep God’s Word just as it was given, so many can be saved, receive salvation, and God’s Power in Christ Jesus is effective today, and in generations to come.
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Walking In Darkness
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
- Walking In Darkness – This is about how God uses darkness to bring things to light, especially those hidden things within us. He uses darkness to teach us about sin, ourselves, and the cares of the world. I know this is a subject most will skip over, and assume because we accepted Christ, we go to church, and we pay offerings, that darkness is not present in us. But that is not the case, God’s Word teaches us how to walk in the light of Christ Jesus, so we are no longer walking in any parts of darkness. We must examine ourselves and grow our faith, so we have confidence we are fully walking in the light of Christ, and there are no traces of darkness in us at all. We live in a time where deception is running high, people are being deceived and deceiving others as the Word of God taught us it would be in the last times. We must approach the light of Christ with our eyes open and be honest about areas of darkness that remain in us, so we can live by the light of Christ, and pass by his judgment seat.
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
According To Our Faith
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
According To Our Faith – This is teaching is about knowing what to expect from God the Father and Christ Jesus based on our level of faith. I know there is a lot of different teaching about how God moves based on our level of tithes and offerings, which is the old testament, compared to Christ's teaching on faith. While the whole Word of God is useful for teaching, preaching, and correcting. We must accept what Christ taught over what was taught in the old testaments. Everything from God is now driven by the level of faith we have in God. Nothing happens from heaven, without faith, we can cry, shout, and scream to God for help, but without us showing we have faith in God, nothing happens. Christ said, according to our faith it will be done. We must grow from having weak or little faith in God, to where our faith is growing and producing good deeds, to the point we reach mature faith in the Lord, where everything is about God’s Will in Christ, and nothing is about our will or what we desire.
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Truly Devoted
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Truly Devoted – This is a teaching to encourage every believer to be devoted to God by increasing in faithful and obedience to God the Father and Christ Jesus. There are a lot of things in this world and in our personal lives that keeps us from being fully devoted to God. If we desire to receive blessings and God’s promises we must live a devoted life to God, there is no other option. God requires we devoted ourselves to him, serve him through his Son and by his Spirit! We know how to devote ourselves to things of the world, things we want to do, things we desire, now it is time to use the same effort we put into serving ourselves, into serving God, and the work of Christ Jesus. We must grow our faith by being wholehearted devoted to God. Being devoted to God will keep the devil away, as our hearts draw closer to God through Christ Jesus.
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Nothing Impossible With God
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Nothing Is Impossible With God – is about learning there is nothing impossible for God to do. While we like to believe in ourselves, yet there are many things impossible for us. We must recognize our limitations, and understand there are many things we cannot achieve within ourselves. We must trust and have faith in God the Father through Christ Jesus, it’s the only way we can make it when things seem impossible for us. While there are many things impossible for mankind, nothing is too hard for God, nothing is impossible for the Lord. If we believe, place our hope in him, and live our lives knowing Christ is coming again, we will experience the delivering hand of God. If we place our lives in his hand, seek him, we will see through Christ there is nothing we cannot do according to God’s Will. There is nothing too hard for God, nothing is impossible for him. Our faith must grow, so we come to believe and trust in God’s Power in Christ to make good things occur in the lives of those who believe.