Sunday Oct 11, 2020
From Material To Spiritual
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
- From Material to Spiritual – This teaching is about how God provides all the material possessions we need to do the work he has called us to complete. We must see these material blessings as a means for us to grow in Christ Jesus and move into a spiritual relationship with the Lord. We must resist the temptation to waste the blessings we receive from God on ourselves. We must resist the temptation to hoard the blessings of God. God’s Word teaches us to share and to be a giver, sharing material possessions with those who are in need. Material possessions cannot be the reason you and I seek God, we must desire to know God so we grow spiritually, so we have a fear of God, and we do not sin against God’s Word, Son, and Spirit. We must grow spiritually so we receive the promises of God and eternal life. God gives us material blessings, so it supports the spiritual work we are called to do by the Father through Christ. God is Spirit, we must move from desiring material possessions to obtaining spiritual riches. Our walk with the Lord must become a spiritual one, it cannot remain a material relationship.
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Servant Of God
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
- Servant Of God – is a teaching about what it means to be a Servant of God. Unlike the world, where being a servant is the lowest position you can find, thought of as a position of shame. Being a Servant of God is a position of honor, comes with great accountability, and great reward. When we first hear a call from the Lord, we immediately think this is going to turn into something great for us, we will be an overnight success. When the Lord calls us into service, we begin to learn of the Lord, learning how to handle his word and ways. The Lord takes us through many tests so we prove we are trustworthy, truthful, and can be a faithful manager of God’s wisdom and knowledge. We may be called to be a prophet, evangelist, pastor, bishop, or even an Apostle, but none of these positions will be honored by the Father and Christ Jesus until we become a Servant of God.
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Being Set Free
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
- Being Set Free – is teaching about understanding how things in this world still have us bound so we are unable to fully serve the Lord. Even though we are Christians, we have to allow the Spirit to completely set us free. We have to not only fully accept Christ Jesus, we also have to allow the work of the Spirit to break every chain that binds us, so we can be truly free; free to live, free to love, free to serve, free to worship, and free to share. It does not matter what binds us, whether its anger, jealousy, rage, bitterness, un-forgiveness, adultery, immoral sexuality, greed, feeling unloved, bitterness, bad behavior, worldly thinking, obsession with riches, or trying to be important. We all are bound by something, and we need to be set free through Christ Jesus. The Father is offering us a way to be free, we must accept Christ Jesus and be led by the Spirit so each one of us is set free from all that binds us. Being set free, requires we take a journey with Christ, so every wall comes down, every chain is broken, and we share the good news about our freedom with others. God the Father wants us free in Christ Jesus
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
More Than Enough
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
- More than Enough – Is teaching about how God has provided more than enough for all his creation, and none should be without. From the day we were born, God has been providing for our needs. Many of us have been able to produce, while others have not had the opportunity, or have not been allowed to develop their skills and abilities to a level to provide for themselves. Some have fallen on hard times and need a helping hand to overcome. This is the reason the Lord teaches us he provides more than enough, and we need to have the heart to share. The Lord provides more than enough, and he will continue to provide. We have to develop a heart to share and learn how to be content so when others need a helping hand, we will gladly share, in return, when we need a helping hand, they will share with us. There should be equality in the body of Christ, as we learn to love our brothers and sisters and being one in the body of Christ. If we are selfish, hoard all the blessings we are given, then others will suffer and have to go without. Learning to share is a measure of the growth of our faith and godly understanding. It is where we come to trust in God, building what we need, and sharing with others so the body of Christ is stronger, and we love each other deeply. God will see our heart, and pour more into us, as we share with his people
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
- Overcomer – Is a teaching about looking to God’s Word and comprehend what we must do to be an Overcomer. Satan’s has a grip on the world, and if we live for the world, he has a grip on us. We must overcome his hold on us. The strain of this world is heavy and difficult to deal with, but through Christ Jesus, we can overcome it all. God’s Word teaches, we must learn to overcome so we can be used by him. Through our faith in Christ, we overcome bad behaviors, drugs, abuse, hate, rage, anger, oppression, prejudice, alcohol, and we overcome harmful relationships. We become an overcomer through Christ , a living testimony for God, and an example for those who are being overwhelmed by life. We all experience issues in life; sickness, family issues, work issues, financial issues, spiritual issues. We can overcome them all by God’s Power is in Christ Jesus, which flows to believers and his followers. We overcome it all by faith in Christ
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
- Knocking – is teaching about knocking on heavens doors. We are taught we must seek the Lord, continually inquire of God so we find him, come to know him, and he comes to know us by name. We are taught, Satan has synagogues, places of worship. Christ spoke to the Jews about their religious faith, they claimed to know God, to be followers of God. Jesus told them because they believe more in themselves then in God, their father was the Devil. We have to know whose door we are knocking on. The door that leads to the house of Satan will offer things of the world, require no change in us, teach lies, and have us focused on self. The door that leads to God’s House will be washed in the blood of Christ, require us to change, lead us into God’s Will, teach us God’s Truth, grant us Salvation, and enter into Eternal Life with God. We need to ensure we are standing at the door that leads to God’s house. When Christ returns he is going to shut the door to God’s House we have to be found standing inside, standing by faith.
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
It's About God
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
- It's About God – is teaching about making it about God and not self. I remember when I gave my life to the Lord. I thought it was all about me, the things I wanted, and how God would bless all my plans. In seeking God, I became a religious-minded person, because I focused on giving a little, to receive a lot from God. I made it about me, and not God. Then the Lord opened my eyes, we are like grass in the field, here today, gone tomorrow, so how can this be about us? The Lord changed my focus from what I can receive, to what I can do and give to please the Lord, for it all comes from him. Through Christ Jesus each one of us has been purchased for a price, we could not pay. We are not our own, we belong to God, to do as he please. In applying God’s Word, we can see this is about pleasing God, and not about pleasing self. It's all about God, it's all about his Son Christ Jesus. We must find ourselves in Christ Jesus because that is how we become something important to God. It's not within ourselves, but us being in the Son. This understanding will change everything. It changes our thoughts, our desires, our hopes, our dreams, and motives to pleasing God more and more, so we can partake of the Lord, and receive what God is offering in through Christ Jesus.
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Denying God
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
- Denying God – is teaching about ensuring how we walk and the things we do, does not cause us to deny God as we live out our lives on earth. In seeking a life with the Lord, we come to understand the need for us to deny ourselves, so we are focused on God’s Kingdom and receive many blessings as we live faithfully before the Father through Christ Jesus. In the times we live, life presents us with many challenges that make it easy to focus on our needs and wants, and less on what God desires for us. We overcome troubles in life, by leaning more on Jesus and less on ourselves. The blessings we desire, the salvation we seek is found in God. We cannot allow temptation to cause us to fall from grace, because we deny God in times of suffering and trouble. Our life is better in Christ Jesus, it’s the reason you and I came to the Lord on our bending kneels, asking the Lord to receive us. God being faithful received us in Christ Jesus, so we have a heart that never denies God.
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Change Is Needed
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
- Change Is Needed – is a teaching about helping us recognizing changes are needed in us. We come to Christ Jesus, just as we are. The purpose is not for us to remain the same, but for us to receive the Spirit, and allow changes to take place in us. God will put us on the plotters wheel and change everything about us, we cannot resist the changing hand of God. Through Christ , we understand change is needed, we must accept all changes the Lord wants to make in us. We cannot just look at the outside, we must allow our inside to change, to become new. God has a plan for our lives, but it requires us to accept new things from God. He wants to change our talk, change our walk, change our thinking, change our behavior, change our desires, and give us hope. We cannot resist or grieve the work of the Holy Spirit, we must allow it to have its way with us. Many just want God to change a few things about them, but I have news for you, God wants to change everything about us. We become a new creation, as changes take hold in us, from one change to another change, we become more and more like Christ. It would take thousands of lifetimes for this work to be complete, so don’t stop allowing God to make changes in you. He has a plan, we must allow it to come to completion.
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
- Deliverance– Is a teaching about God’s Deliverance, that which God has spoken, what Christ Jesus revealed, and what the Holy Spirit confirms in us. God does not honor words that we make up, nor stories we tell each other that does not come from God. We cannot establish and grow our faith seeking breakthroughs which is a religious teaching. We are taught by God’s Word to walk in the deliverance of the Lord. This teaching shares God the Father and Christ Jesus prescribed way of seeking help from God. As the Lord delivers us, he will also change us, and transform us so we become more and more like Christ Jesus each time we receive deliverance from God. We must seek God’s Deliverance so we experience God’s Power in Christ Jesus at work in our lives, and the lives of our family. We must believe in what God has spoken, in that which has the power to save. Nothing else can do, only what God has spoken has the awesome power to give us deliverance.
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Prepared By God
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
- Prepared By God – is teaching about letting God prepare us for the reason we were created. We have spent enough time in this world preparing ourselves to achieve our dreams. It’s time to give ourselves over to God and let him prepare us for his calling, for service to God. Only the Lord can prepare us for what he has created for us to do. When we are prepared by God, we are satisfied, not in want, not chase after this world. Being prepared by God will change everything about us, the Lord equips us and prepares us so we bring God glory. Christ Jesus receives us into himself and prepares us to carry out the Will of God. The process of God preparing us through Christ will take time, it will not happen overnight. The Lord may lead us to a deserted place like he did with John the Baptist for two years, or take us to a isolated place as he did with the Apostle Paul for three years to prepare us. We must be willing to allow the Lord to prepare us, to teach us, not jumping to doing what we think, what we want because we have been called. The Lord prepares us so we can stand, when the rain comes, when the storm rushes in, when darkness tries to overtake us, we can stand in faith because we are fully prepared by God. The Lord prepared us so we stand by faith, stand in purpose, overcome all things in Christ to accomplish our assignment for God. We must remain true to God to the end, testifying of how the Lord prepared us for good works, whether great or small
Monday Jul 20, 2020
God Provides
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
- God Provides – is a teaching about how God provides everything we need for life now, and eternal life through his Son Christ Jesus. After becoming Christians, many struggle to develop their faith in a way where they trust and believe in what God provides. Faith in what Christ provides, he provides everything we need. We keep trying to provide for ourselves, instead of leaning on Jesus. This is why God says, we praise him with our mouth but our hearts are far away from him. We need to become less and the Lord more, so when trouble comes, we receive what God provides. Anything we provide will not last, will fade away, and cause harm. What we provide for ourselves, can never meet all our needs, in the end, it will fall short. In providing for ourselves, we are telling God we don’t need you, we can handle it ourselves. God is the one who gives us abilities and skills, he is the one who provides all we need. When we fall into need, God should be the first one we turn to, not ourselves, not to others, but God. When we see God as our provider, our faith grows, we become totally and completely depend on God through Christ Jesus. Christ provides all we need to do God’s Will, to live a blessed life, and help others believe in what Christ can provide.
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Finding Our Path With God
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
- Finding Our Path With God – is teaching about ensuring we are walking on the path God created for us. When we first come to the Lord, we can be assured the path we start on is not the one God created for us. Most of us choose to follow a religious path, which is not the path God wants us on. Some of us choose a path chasing after riches and wealth, but this is not the path God has called us on. Others choose a path filled with sin and trouble, clearly this is not the path the Lord created for us. This is why scripture says, the road, the path, the way that leads to the kingdom of God is narrow, and only a few find it. God the Father through Christ Jesus has made a way for us, has prepared a clear path for our feet, but not many choose to walk on it. You and I must ensure the path we take in seeking the Lord, is the one he wants us to take. It will be filled with challenges, and there will be trouble. But if we endure and overcome, we will find love, peace, our bodies will find rest, and our hearts will be glad in the presence of the Lord. God wants us to find our way to him, so he sent his Son into the world to be a light for our feet, so we find our path with God.
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
- Redeemed – is a teaching about the need for us to be redeemed. Christ Jesus has paid the ultimate price to redeem every soul that comes to him for salvation. He paid this price with his precious blood, so we can live a purified life before God. We may be wondering why does Christ have to redeem us? God says, we must be redeemed from all the wickedness we live for, from our love for the sinful things of the world. Christ can redeem us from any situations, he can redeem us from chasing after the world, from greed, from sexual immorality, from sinful desires, from drugs, from alcohol, from harmful behaviors. There is no limit to Christ’s power to redeem us. The question is, do we want to be redeemed, to be set free from all that binds us to sin. We cannot serve the Lord while in bondage to sin and things of the world. We need to be set free, so we are free to follow the Lord, so we can freely serve God. Redemption leads to salvation of our soul.
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Time To Grow
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
- It’s Time To Grow – is a teaching about getting out of our religious practices and theology teachings, and start growing in God the Father and Christ Jesus. We must move forward in changing and being transformed so we can become what God has called each one of us to be. Not getting lost in the blame game, or focusing on whose fault it is, we are not receiving what we think we should from God. But allowing the Spirit of the Lord to grow us in all things of God. It’s time to grow our faith so we can become a mature child of God. The only source we need to tap into, so we grow our faith properly in God, is his Son, Word, and Spirit. Nothing else and no one else can lead us to grow in the Lord as God would have us grow. We may think we can grow within ourselves; we may think we can grow by getting several degrees, we may think we can grow in God by being very religious. But the only true way to grow in God is through Christ Jesus, any other way is misleading, and will lead us to place God does not want us to be. For us to grow in God, we must be lead by the Lord, and his Spirit.
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Eternal Life
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
- Eternal Life – is a teaching to help us establish our faith in the greatest promise God is offering us through Christ Jesus, eternity with him. When our faith is only tied to our human life, that which we pray for, tithe for, and the reason we read God’s Word, we will miss the greatest promise of God. We are limiting the promises of God. Yes, we have been promised that if we place our faith in the Son of God, then we can avoid troubles and experience prosperity in this life. In that same promise it is said, if we deny ourselves and seek that which is from above, then we not only experience God’s protection in this life, we will be able to enter into the kingdom of God. Christ has come to show us the greater gift, passing over from death to life. If we endure in Christ, if we live in Christ, then we can be assured, confident, we will be resurrected to be like him, and enter in the kingdom where all the promises of God are fulfilled. Where the glory of God can be seen, no more dying, no more pain, there is equality, justice, and God’s love. It is all in God’s kingdom, not in this world. We must seek eternity with God.
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Cup Of Salvation
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
- Cup Of Salvation –is a teaching about what the Lord has prepared for each one of us If we come to accept and live by his word and ways. In Establishing our faith in the Lord, we also establish our faith in the Salvation of God, so we receive good things from the Lord in this life, and in the life to come. The Lord prepares a Cup of Salvation for each one of us, so we partake in what the Lord has for us, so our purpose in the Lord is clear. Its in our Cup of Salvation we come to understand what we must work on, and what we must do to please God. We take hold of our cup and remain steadfast in God’s calling so our cup remains full and overflows with blessings so we can share with others. We can choose to drink of God’s Cup of Salvation or of the cup Satan offered Christ Jesus which is filled worldly riches. If we choose to drink of the world, then we will experience God’s Wrath and not his Salvation. We must live completely in Christ, so our Cup of Salvation overflows and we experience the full measure of Christ.
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Closer Walk
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
- Closer Walk – is a teaching to help us establish our faith in a way that we can walk with the Lord, not in shame or guilty but through the strengthening of our faith. This requires establishing our faith based on God’s truth, growing in the things of God through the Spirit, and maturing in the Lord through changes made in us. In the beginning, we were far away from God, our lives were based on the things of the world, and not of God. Then we heard the call from Christ for us to come, to come closer to him. We started on the journey, as the Lord ordered our steps, he taught us the ways of God. It is a long road, one that gets narrower and narrower the closer we get to the kingdom of God. Our walk with the Lord will require us to endure, to accept changes we are led to make in our lives. We must be careful, the walk will be challenging, we can get stuck, we can turn back, the Lord is not going to force us to walk with him. It is an offer that we can accept or reject anywhere along the way. In our walk with the Lord, we learn how to be faithful, and how to keep on walking through the rain, through the storm, through the pain. Keep on walking; Christ Jesus is leading us to the kingdom of God, get closer to God.
Monday May 25, 2020
Self Control
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
- Self-Control – is a teaching to help us establish our faith in a way where we can maintain self-control. At first glaze, we may say we have self-control. But if we took the time to examine what the Word of God says about being a self-controlled person, we would rethink our definition of self-control. For it means we never get angry, we never fight with others, we never go into a rage, we never curse, we never lose control of ourselves. Self-control means we are always kind, we always endure, we never take revenge, can handle conflicts, and do not lie to cover up shameful ways and sin. If we are not by the Spirit, how can we say we are a self-controlled person? Yes, we show self-control when everything is going well, but how well do we maintain self-control when things go wrong, and when others come against us? It's not easy maintaining self-control in every area of our life, that is why it’s a journey for us to be reshaped into the image of Christ Jesus. God is always in control, and he has given control over to Christ Jesus, so you and I can live under the control of God. Becoming a self-controlled person is where we establish and grow in our faith, working on our salvation so we are more and more like the Lord, and less and less like our old self every day, every second of the day. Praise God.
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
- Choices – is a teaching about the choices we make, especially as Christians. From the beginning, God chose to allow each person to make choices about how they will live. The Lord laid before us both curses and blessings, we must choose our walk before God. Nothing we do is hidden from the Lord, he sees choices we make in light and darkness. Choices have consequences. When we make good and godly choices, we receive blessings. When we make bad and sinful choices, we receive correction and discipline. It's all about the choices we make. Making choices is not easy, we have many things at play. We are concern about our desires, wants, and needs even when we have the Lord in mind. When making choices, we must learn how to lean on the Lord, and allow the Spirit to lead our decisions so we make better and godly choices. We make choices every minute, every second of the day. We need to be at a place where Christ is in us, and we are in Christ, so we make godly choices. Choices we make will determine if we will grow in faith or end up stuck in the middle making good and bad choices. We need to work on our salvation so every day, we can make better and more godly choices regarding every aspect of our lives. Our choices must lead us into the light of Christ Jesus, and not into the darkness of the world. It's all about the choices we make, and motives behind them.