Sunday May 10, 2020
Being Misled
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
- Being Misled – is a teaching about not being misled in seeking a life with the Lord. We live in a time that the Word of God prophesied about. A time when evil and sin will prevail upon the earth and mislead many. A time when those who are trying to follow the Lord, will turn to lies and falsehoods to feed their faith. We are living in a time the Word of God speaks of where itching ear preaching is causing many to chase after things of the world. We need to wake up and examine what we believe, examine those teaching us and those we are following, so we are not led astray. We don’t want to be standing before Christ, and he tells us nothing we believed in came from the Father, or what he taught and revealed. We cannot allow ourselves to be misled because we have desires in us that are not of God, we must overcome our desires so we desire the Truth of God in our heart. Our soul is at stake, we cannot just leave it up to chance. We need to have confidence that our faith is not only founded on God’s Word, it’s bound by God’s Word. Being mislead is the worst thing that could happen to someone who desires to know the Lord. Misleading others is the worst thing we can do after being called by God. We cannot be misled, and we cannot mislead others.
Sunday May 03, 2020
Where Is God?
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
- Where Is God – is a teaching to help us establish our faith in God, so we don’t have to wonder where he is when we need him. When trouble comes our way, that’s when we tend to approach the Lord for help, though we have not sought him night and day, we believe in our moment of need we can call on the Lord for help. God is trying to teach us to have a relationship with him and a connection with Son Christ Jesus doing good and bad times. So when we are in need and we call on the Lord, he is near us, and he will answer us. Otherwise, we will be trying to establish a connection with Christ while in the middle of the storm, what a terrible time to establish a relationship with God. The best time is when things are going well for us, so we can hear his voice, obey his Word, and not be hard of hearing in the mist of our crying and troubles. Glory to God, even when death is at our door, if we earnestly seek him, if we repent and humble ourselves before him, we can find the Lord. Where is God? He is on his throne with Christ at his side, working out his plan for mankind. Jesus is preparing a place for all who come to believe and live their lives through him. What is God doing? The Father and the Son are always are work, being patient because he wants no soul to be lost, giving us time to repent and turn back to him. Where is God, he is near us if we seek him, we will find God and not have to wonder.
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Waiting On The Lord
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
- Waiting On The Lord – is a teaching to help us be able to wait on the Lord in the time of our need. It's hard to wait on the Lord. Our wants, desires, and plans puts us in a rush, chasing to get what we think we need. As Christians, we say we are waiting on the Lord, but if God does not come in the time we need him, we move forward with our plans. We need to learn how to wait on the Lord, his timing is always better. How do we wait on the Lord? We focus on the things God’s Word tells us to work on, like our salvation and our faith. Once we learn how to wait on the Lord, things will come easier for us, we have less stress, and enjoy the protection and peace of God. Learning to wait on the Lord, will lead us to draw closer to God, and he will draw closer to us. As we wait on the Lord, we will change, our thoughts will change, our desires will change, and we will lean on the Lord. We learn how to seek and wait on the Lord, doing nothing without the Lord leading and guiding us through. As we wait on the Lord, more and more blessings will come, more and more love will come, as we stand firm in the Lord
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Without Faith
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
- Without Faith – is a teaching to help us understand just how damaging it is for us who are Christians to demonstrate a lack of faith in God. Not only will it affect our relationship with the Father and his Son, it will also cause issues with those we share our faith with. Because in some situations, in some circumstances instead of us showing our faith in God, we operate without faith. It will also confuse our children, as we teach them how much God is in control. Yet, when a storm comes upon our family, we look like we have no faith in God. We must believe, we must trust, we must have faith in God, at all times. There can be no situation where you and I are without faith. Without faith, we will disobey the Lord. Without faith, we will not trust and believe in our time of need. Without faith, we will have large mountains in our life we cannot overcome. Mountains of fear, worry, financial debt, sickness, enemies, failures, mountains of pride and arrogance. If we develop complete faith in God, he will remove each and every mountain that stands in our way of serving and pleasing him.
Monday Apr 13, 2020
The Word
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
- The Word – is a teaching to help us see God’s Word as intended so we live by it today. We may read a lot of books, as we educate and entertain ourselves, but there is no more important book to read than The Word of God. It is the one book that can change and save lives. God’s Word has been translated many times, from one generation to another so we can read The Word and apply it. Some translations are founded on the old way of speaking, while others are so loosely translated it loses its meaning. We have to find a translation that moves us to know God better, to know God’s Will, to have a real relationship with Christ Jesus, and so the Spirit can be at work in us. If we receive as God intended, it will lead us to change our life and live in Christ. God protects his word, so we can believe and have faith in what God has spoken, in what Christ Jesus has revealed, and what the Spirit is doing and teaching God’s people. God brought forth his word through several means, he showed visions, he spoke directly to others. God had his word written down, so we come to know, believe, and obey it. Then God did an amazing thing, he sent his Son into the world to demonstrate how to live by his Word, so we can have faith in it, believe it, and live it. Christ became a Living Word so it could live in our hearts, and be alive in us. Upon Christ Jesus's departure, once again God did an amazing thing, through Christ the Holy Spirit was made available to those who placed their faith in him. Through Christ, God’s people can have a spiritual connection with Christ and the Father. God is Spirit, we must come to him in spirit so we live with The Word in our heart and have confidence in our salvation.
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Living Witness
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
- Living Witness – is a teaching to help us become what the Lord has called us to be, a living witness for the Lord. While this may sound like a simple thing to do, it is not. Being called to be a witness of God, comes with a lot of responsibility and accountability. We cannot be what the Word of God calls a false witness, one who pours out lies and falsehoods about God, when the Lord has not led, nor spoken to them. We cannot be a witness of God, when our desire is for greed, to make a name for ourselves, or to have others worship us. A false witness never keeps to the Word of God, they are always wandering off, speaking of their desires and not God’s. We have to be a truthful witness for God, one whose words come from God’s Word, one who listens to the voice of Christ and is led by the Spirit. We know we are a living witness because what we testify of is God, and not ourselves. We know we are a living witness of God because the things we testify of is that which God has poured into us, that which the Lord has reshaped in us, so our testimony is real and not fake. We live it, it changed us, and now we testify of it. We are a witness of God’s greatness and goodness, of the loving-kindness of Christ Jesus, and the many things the Lord worked out in our lives. We live it, we are faithful to it, we testify of it.
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
- Expectations – is a teaching to help us establish our faith having right and godly expectations so what we seek from God is something God would do because he spoke about it in his Word. Like any relationship, if it starts out base on lies and falsehood, there is no way right expectations can be set that would help the relationship grow and be established in love and truth. Sooner or later, all the lies and false things done and spoken will cause the relationship to fail. If we speak the truth and walk with a right heart, then when we set expectations within our relationships it will be everlasting and produce good things, and never fail because we established the relationship with right and godly expectations which causes the relationship to grow and mature. Right and godly expectations not only makes relationships with each good and perfect; it also makes our relationship with God good and perfect.
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
- Desires – is a teaching about our desires. To establish our faith properly in Christ, grow and mature, we have to recognize our desires. Unfortunately, we come from the world, most of our desires are bad, creating sinful thoughts in us, which manifest many sins. God desire is for us to learn of him, to take on the attitude of his Son Christ Jesus, so through the work of the Spirit our desires become good, which makes us do good. This is not as easy as it may sound. This is not about our good intentions, or how good we think of ourselves. This is about conducting a real examination of our desires, and how our desires drive our motives and actions. In coming to grip with my desires, we recognize bad and sinful desires in me. I had to have a real conversation with the Lord about helping me put my bad desires to death. Again, this is not easy, almost all our desires are bad or have sinful motives behind them. Why we do something is just as important as what we do. Are our desires selfish, for pleasure, for greedy, harmful to others, immoral, hateful, or they prideful? Bad desires lead to a sinful action and sinful decisions. Thanks be to God, through Christ Jesus, we can take all our bad desires to the cross and ask the Lord to help us overcome them. Christ came so we can be free, it starts with us being free from bad and sinful desires which leads to sin. As we grow and mature in the Lord, we have to develop good desires in us that leads to us making good decision, having good motives, which leads to us carrying out good works, which pleases God.
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Somebody To God
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
- Somebody To God – this is a teaching to help us stay encouraged as the Lord works in our lives. Before we knew the Lord, many of us felt like we were nobody, no one cared about us, no one loved us, and no one paid attention to us. We felt like it did not matter if we lived or died. Then someone introduced us to Christ, or we heard a call from God. The Lord took us by the hand and started to teach us through his Word, Son, and Spirit as we learned we are somebody to God. He created us for a purpose, and he wants to save us. We allowed the Lord to make changes in our beliefs, in our thinking, in our behavior, and in our walk. The Lord lifted us up, made us somebody, and others started to take notice, as we begin to prosper, being blessed by God. We can never forget that we had nothing, we were nothing before the Lord came into our life. We can’t get caught up in the name the Lord made for us, the people who recognize us, or the money that flows our way. All this is so we can be of service to God, in helping his people, and not helping ourselves. We have to remember that the Lord gives, and he takes away. We must remain humble, faithful, and obedient to the Lord, so blessings continue to flow our way. We must show and share with others so they know they can become somebody in Christ Jesus. We were nobody until the day the Lord made us somebody by the work of the Holy Spirit. Let us rejoice and give glory to God. Walk-in fear, so we don’t fall because we took our eyes off the purpose.
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Way Maker
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
- Way Maker – is a teaching about how Christ Jesus came and made a way for us to receive the salvation of God. He poured out his blood so we have a way to come out of darkness, and enter into his wonderful light. But many of us are stuck in a religious nightmare, because we are being taught to seek God through religious practices, and not through the way the Lord has made. Christ Jesus is calling us to fully cross over to him, to follow the path that he has laid out for us, and not seek our own path. This is where we must grow in our faith. In the beginning, we continued to try to make a way for ourselves, asking the Lord to bless the desires of our hearts. As we continue to grow in the Lord, our desires are changed by the Lord, and we turn from seeking our own way, to seeking the way of the Lord. He and no one else can make a way for us so we can stand in him, and in the promises of God. We recognize that without Christ as our way maker, we could not find our way, we would not know the way to the kingdom of God. Thanks to his wonderful light, it lights up a path underneath our feet so we can stay to the path God has called us. We can’t turn away, where would we go? The Lord has made a way for us.
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
God's Truth
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
- God’s Truth – is about being able to receive God’s Truth into our hearts. We live in a different world today, we have changed, we are not seeking God’s Truth as we did in the past. Now we want God’s Word to change, so it makes the things we want to do right, though God’s Word calls it a sin. We are fulfilling scripture that says, we will call a lie, truth, and truth a lie. We have become very good at taking something that is false and speaking as if its truth. As Christians, this a very dangerous road for us to be on. Like all things, it’s not easy facing the truth about ourselves, about others, and about what God has spoken. God’s Truth will challenge us, it will cause us to have to change our ways, change our plans, and change our direction. God’s Truth, which is his Word, is a double edge sword, that penetrates, it divides soul, spirit, joints, and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. God’s Truth will start to sooth our hearts once we have fully accepted it, allow it to change us, for the better. It will humble us, for the better. It will guide us onto the path that leads to salvation.
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Confession Of Faith
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
- Confession Of Faith – is a teaching to help us establish our faith properly in God. We all have heard or ready about our need to confess our sins to God. Many think this only applies when we first come to Jesus for salvation. But if we read God’s Word a little more intensely, we will come to understand that have a confessing heart is needed more after we give ourselves to Christ. Christ wiped away our sins, so the only sins we need to confess are those done after we accepted the Lord. We are called to be free in Christ, and the only thing that keeps us from being free is sin. We must, therefore, develop a confessing heart, so it creates an openness about our sins before God and others. The more we unveil our sins, the less Satan can testify against us, and the more we can demonstrate to God we can live free of sin. When we grow in the Lord, our confessions changes from having to confess about sin, to a confession of faith. Confessing of all the things God has done, is doing through Christ as we demonstration our faith to God and others.
Monday Feb 10, 2020
In Our Struggles
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
- In Our Struggles – is a teaching about learning to depend on God in the middle of our struggles and not on ourselves. We have to know the reason we are going through struggles. Are we struggling because we live for the things of the world, and things are not working out as we planned? All of us go through struggles, it does not matter if you are rich or poor, in the US are in a third world country, we all struggle, though for different reasons. There is a difference between struggling in the world and struggling because we live in Christ Jesus. We struggle as part of the world, because we choose to sin, to disobey God, and we continue to have evil and sinful desires within us. But those of us who are following Christ Jesus, struggle because we have received the Spirit of God, and he is working the bad out of us, and replacing it with the good of God. It’s a spiritual struggle that we must and can overcome, through the power of God that is in Christ Jesus. We struggle spiritually because God’s ways are different than ours, changing and conforming to the ways of God will create momentary struggles in us. Spiritual struggles are meant to grow us, to train us in the ways of God. We must overcome, for our spiritual struggles are only momentary, joy comes in the morning, God’s blessings are new every morning, and there is deliverance and victory in Christ Jesus. Glory to God.
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Human Nature
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
- Human Nature – Let’s talk a little bit about our human nature, and what has happened to it that is causing us so many problems, including issues with us following God’s Word and Ways. For most of us, from the day we were born, our nature has taken on qualities of a sinful person. If we are honest about it, we can easily look back and see how sinful things were added to our nature. Do we remember when we started lying? Do we remember the day we became ok with being greedy, or even taking things that did not belong to us? How about the day when we started allowing our body to have sexually and lustful desires? We have been training our mind and body how to live for sin for a very long time. Now that we have accepted Christ Jesus and repent from our sins, the Spirit of the Lord wants to deal with all the sinful things we have allowed our human nature to take in. The Lord wiped away all our sin and condemnation, but he did not say our nature had been changed. All those sinful things did not get attached to us all at once, and it’s not going to be put to death all at once. If we are faithful and allow the Spirt to do its work, it will feel like we are suffering as each one of our sinful ways are put to death, but we are being set free. Free, so we can take on the full nature of God that we receive through Christ Jesus, and the Spirits work in us. We just have to remain faithful, and let the work come to a completion in us, so our human nature its like the nature of Christ. Completely free.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Order My Steps
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
- Order My Steps – Once we hear the call of the Lord, we must answer. When we came to Jesus, he has in his hand a plan for our lives, prepared by God. Many times, when we hear the call, we hope and think the Lord has called us to fulfill our plans and dreams. When he does not, we struggle as a Christian. The call was never about our plans and dreams, it’s about God’s plan for our lives. God called us, so he can order our steps through his Son, Word and Spirit. We have to give God control over our lives, so our steps can be ordered by Christ Jesus. No one knows better how to order our steps than Christ Jesus. No on knows the road to the kingdom of God but Jesus. It is foolish and we will perish if continue trying order our own steps after we have accepted Christ Jesus. He Lord says he has gone to prepare a place for us, but how will we get there if we continue to follow our own steps, which only leads to sin. We need to pick up our cross and follow Jesus, allow the Spirit of the Lord to change, to order our steps. We need to walk in the light of Christ so our steps will be pleasing to God. Its not easy, we will slip along the way, but we wont fall if we keep our eyes on the Lord and allow our steps to order by him. Step by step, sweet Jesus, change our walk, change our talk, so its pleasing to God.
Monday Jan 20, 2020
IF Only
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
- IF – As we read God’s Word, as we look to what God requires of us in coming to know him, two things become clear. In the beginning everything from God was conditional, it was based on our actions, and if we carefully follow God’s Word. Then God who is full of mercy and grace, stated that he would never again remove his love from us, least we all would be destroyed. We should be thankful to God, we have a chance to experience the Love of God in our lives, even as sinners. The second thing we come to understand is that even though God has made his love unconditional, everything else remains conditional. If we obey what God commands, he will be a blessing to us. God promises that if we follow his Son Christ Jesus, we can have eternal life. The Lord says if we never turn to the right or to the left, he will make us the head and not the tail. God is offering us life through his Son, if we walk upright before him. If we obey and are faithful, we can live in Christ and he will live in us. If, is what matters. If we obey, if we pay attention, if we do as God has commended, we will be blessed in the city, blessed in the country, blessed when we lay down and wake up, bless when we go out and come in. But if we reject God’s Word, if we change God’s Word, if we deny Christ Jesus, then the Lord will allow bad things to come up on us, and we will be judged. If we want God’s blesses, we must love as God loves.
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Only God Can
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
- Only God Can – In almost all situations, we like to think that we can within ourselves resolve any issue we have. That is the way the world has taught us to think, its only when we have lived for a while that we start to see that there are many things that goes well beyond our abilities and intelligence to resolve. Its only at this moment that we start to comprehend what God the Father through our Lord Christ Jesus can do and understand that all things are possible with God. Only then do we start to look beyond ourselves, so we are sustained and saved by God. It takes many of us a long time before we come to believe only God can, to believe in the Power of God to rescue us, and the authority of Christ Jesus to save us. Without a complete belief in Christ Jesus, we will not look to God for answers. We will pretend we are looking to God as we continue working things out ourselves. That is way many times God waits until we are broken, until we are at our last, before he moves in our lives. We have to completely believe that only God through his Son Christ Jesus can do all things, and nothing is impossible for God. The Lord can do all things.
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Searching For Answers
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
- The Answer – no matter how long we have been walking with the Lord, there will always be times when we need to receive an answer from God. Life is going to throw somethings our way, and we will not have the knowledge or abilities to overcome them. We have to be careful, and not turn and seek answers from other places. This requires godly understanding, the answers we need cannot be could in ourselves, they cannot be found in others, they cannot be found in the world, the answers we need can only come from God. The Lord, teaches us the only way we can receive answers from him, is by us having a fear for God and living our lives right before him. If you and I choose to live in sin, then spending our time crying out to God for answers regarding our desires and troubles is in vein. We need to confess our sins, seek forgiveness from the Lord so he will answer our prayers and delivers us. All we need is found in Christ Jesus. He is the beginning and the end, there is nothing that exists that he does not know about, nothing that he cannot handle. Christ Jesus is the answer to all our troubles, success, problems, failures, and desires. All we need is Jesus, he is the answer.
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
- Forgiveness – is a teaching to help ensure our faith in the Lord is founded in forgiveness. We are all sinners who lived for ourselves and not for the Lord. We have done things to others, and others have done things to us that needs to be forgiven. We know without forgiveness, grace, and mercy we will not be able to be with the Lord, for the Lord forgives us based on our ability to forgive others. Many of us think we are a forgiving person, but when it comes to us displaying forgiveness, this is where we fall short of God’s mark. Being a forgiving person has to come from our heart, and not from what or how we think of ourselves. For forgiveness to be manifested in us as a Christian, it has to come from the heart. For forgiveness to be real and sincere in us, we have to have love, peace, be humble, be patience, be kind, forget, show mercy and grace. These are the characteristics God uses to forgive us when we ask him to forget our sins; we must have these characteristics in our heart to forgive others when they sin against us; to forget and remember it no more is real forgiveness.
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Hope In God
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
- Hope – is a teaching to help us establish our faith and hope in God. Life can be very hard, it can bring us to a point where we are broken, feel a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. We place our hope in many things, in many people, but that is not real hope at all. No matter the value things by have such as our finances, homes, cars, buildings, friends, family, or businesses, placing our hope in these things can never delivery us when sickness comes knocking, when the grave comes calling. When we place on hope in that which is unseen, in Christ Jesus, in God’s Kingdom, in love, in faith, in God’s deliverance, then we start to have the kind of hope that goes beyond our current situations. We have the kind of hope that not only keeps us in this life; but it’s stored up for us in the life to come. If we only hope in what can see, what kind of hope is that? Our hope needs to be in God, in his Son Christ Jesus in which all the promises of God are being fulfilled. We when are filled with hope in God the Father and Christ Jesus, nothing will be able to break us, we will never fail, because our hope will always remain in the Lord, no matter what we have to experience as our faith is tested, we overcome in Christ, and we always trust in God.